Malden Ave


Surrounding Land Use

The Malden Avenue site is situated off Birch Street in Eau Claire. It is a short distance from the River Prairie development across the Eau Claire River. The surrounding land uses are heavily residential with a combination of multi-family and single family homes. Eau Claire Fire Department Station 10 borders the site to the north.

Site Features

The site itself is relatively flat. Topography does not have a significant role in the design. The site gradually slopes with low points occurring in the southeastern area of the property. After consulting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetlands Inventory, it was determined that there are no wetlands within the property boundary. The USFWS Threatened and Endangered Species Active Critical Habitat Report showed no habitat conflicts for endangered species on site either.

Contamination Location

The site is a former dump and building materials and other solid waste are covered by topsoil. The greatest depth of waste is concentrated towards the center of the site. This factored into the design by pushing development to the edge of the property. Despite clean up efforts and strategic building placement, a developer will have to use vapor shields and other design elements to mitigate impacts.